Pretam Gharat is a dentist who has over 14 years of experience in handling complex bite cases. He has undergone training from stalwarts in full mouth rehabilitation. He completed his Bachelors in Dental Surgery in Mumbai in 2003 and launched his Dental Surgery at 23. In 2008, he moved to London to pursue his M.Sc. from University College London.
Dr Pretam Gharat loves to perform, what he calls ‘Life changing Dentistry’. He transforms people with their smiles. Great smiles can instils confidence in people, which in turn helps them achieve their dreams.
The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. … The feel-good neurotransmitters — dopamine, endorphins and serotonin — are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well (4). This not only relaxes your body, but it can also lower your heart rate and blood pressure.
This is the case of a young female patient who had been seeing Dr Gharat for her teeth for a few years. In spite of his repeated advice, she had been trying to mend her teeth cheaply and quickly without giving a though to the long term effects of grinding her teeth. This resulted in multiple chipped teeth and broken filling from time to time. She realised that as Dr Gharat had advised, she would constantly have issues unless she restored all her teeth with properly made veneers to match her bite and then get nighguards to protect her restorations.

She came to see Dr Pretam Gharat and after a full assessment of her bite, jaw, facial muscles he discussed all options and formatted a treatment plan. This included whitening, and then
After the initial appointment, she had to come in to get all records made which included scans of her teeth (we use iTero scanners which eliminate the use of gooey putty in your mouth), videos, bite records (Denar face-bow).
These were sent to Rob Storar of Amdecc Dental Lab in Basildon, a guy Rob trusts for all high end work. Dr Gharat has been working with Rob for a long time and believes in his expertise.
Appointments were carried out in a calm relaxing atmosphere, with the patient wearing cordless headphones playing relaxing music. Sometimes patient’s listen to meditative music which is very helpful to cut them off the outside noise. Patient love our overhead screens which can play content of their choice. We also offer sedation, which is useful for patients with extreme dental phobia.
After the teeth were prepared for the veneers, very natural looking temporary teeth were made and patient had them until the final veneers were fitted.

On the fit appointment, Dr Pretam Gharat administered local anaesthetic and isolated her teeth to fit the lovely new veneers. These veneers were designed and fabricated in E-max porcelain. Colour was a bit brighter on the patient’s request. The patient was thrilled with her new veneers and has not stopped smiling.